Exploring your Sacred Heart Work…

Thank you so much for taking the time to explore this survey with me. As a Manifesting Generator in Human Design my strategy is to respond - so your words, questions, thoughts and feedback give me the much desired insights to respond to as I continually refine and expand my creations and offerings in the realms of my Business Support services.

As a thank you for completing this survey I would love to invite you to join me in a 60 minute live workshop on 3rd October to support you in getting clarity on the visions of what the next season of your heart and soul work will look like. This workshop will be recorded if you cannot make it live.

Please submit your Survey answers before the end of August 2024. After this the survey will be closed.

Thank you, Lauren

I would love to invite you to take a pause before you begin. Place a hand on your heart, take a loving breath, and maybe even close your eyes a moment.

Imagine this survey is like a conversation with a friend… there is no need to rush it, I am here to witness and listen and receive your words with so much gratitude.

Where is your heART calling you?  I can’t wait to find out…