I’m writing on Substack...
Instead of a blog, I now have a publication on Substack, called Held. By Lauren Barber, where I write weekly essays, share soothing meditations and yoga nidra practices, and weave together storytelling and community.
You can expect to read anything and everything from messy motherhood, soulful business, mental health and sacred ritual.
If you want to read my words, connect with others and feel held in ‘virtual circle’ - then please do come on over…
If you aren’t sure what Substack is… read on…
What is Substack?
Substack is a beautiful community-based space which supports writers and creatives without adverts and capitalistic algorithms, I joined the platform early in 2023 and have found it to be a peaceful, nourishing, supportive and wholesome space full of inspiration and incredible generosity.
Why join me, and others, on Substack?
This space has been created to celebrate uniqueness and art in many formats. Within Substack you can become part of a conversation in the comments - giving a beautiful sense of connection and community with other kindred spirits. You can curate your own Substack viewing so you only see what you wish to. It is a slower pace than social media… no crazy timelines, no sensory overloads with reels and songs blaring out (it always happens when the baby naps!)… all of it is designed to be way more gentle on the nervous system.
How to read my words on Substack?
You can absolutely sign up and simply receive my weekly newsletters into your inbox… BUT for the best experience I recommend downloading the app and using it like a digital library - you can choose and select what to read and allow yourself spaciousness to consume the content in your own time.
Come and have a look, read some of the archive, and if you like what you see do subscribe.
I hope to see you there...
Some of my most popular posts...
Not The Year I Thought It Would Be
Thoughts and painful truths about the first year as a Mother of two...
A love note to my real postpartum
Reflecting on my very real fourth trimester experiences with both babies
The Power in Micro Moments of Regulation
How I soothe and settle my nervous system in this season of life and Motherhood