Creativity is the language of the Universe…

These were the words that came through to me as I journaled this morning…

Creativity is the language of the Universe.

I had been exploring something in my scrawling handwriting as a way to process and unravel some of the layers that are currently rising up to be shed. This is what I do. When I need to figure something out I write it out - sometimes it comes in an instant, sometimes it takes days, weeks, months… even years… to unravel.

This particular excavation is something I have been picking apart for a while, but today that clarity came. I was reminded in that instant WHY I had been pouring seemingly pointless words onto the page for days and days with nothing ‘tangible’ arising.

This is the gold. These words… Creativity is the language of the Universe… that was my gold today.

What does this mean?

When you look around at things that you can see, touch, feel… things that have come to reality - what are they? In essence they are an expression of creativity. Whether that is from the natural world, or a man made item - everything is a creation. People. Flowers. Buildings. Vehicles. Food.


We have been taught that creativity is purely an ‘art form’, that we have to be a certain type of person to be ‘creative’, however, what came through very clearly to me today was that the Universe, or the Divine if you relate to that word, speaks to each of us in the language of creativity.

Every moment is a sacred creatiom. Every breath. Every flower. Every gust of wind. Every raindrop. Everything.

Creativity to me is effectively channeling something into existence and I believe that the energy of new ideas and those little sparks of creativity come from a higher source. Whether you relate to that as God, Goddess, Universe, Higher Self… whatever word resonates, this higher source brings us creative ideas and we are the channels that it has chosen for those ideas to come to life.

It is of course up to us how we then translate that language.

What prompted this?

Yesterday I saw this post on Instagram shared by a friend. The words read ‘I hope to spend more time creating and less time on the hamster wheel of sustaining visibility’.

These words hit me so hard. It was like a part of my soul was being seen and there was both relief that someone had put what I was feeling into words so simply… but then a moment of panic because I have spent my entire adult life working on ‘visibility’ - first for my clients when I was running my PR & Marketing agency, and now for my own business.

There is a deeply ingrained belief within me that says ‘you have to push, promote, be seen, be BIG - or your business cannot possibly succeed’.

And I feel quite trapped by that if I am honest. I wish so deeply for my business to succeed and thrive and support me financially, but in a world where there is so much noise, it can be really hard to feel like you are being noticed at all.

When I was working for others all I was doing for them was increasing their visibility. That was a focus point. However now as someone who has a lot of knowledge about the ‘rules of marketing’, I am now trying to be the creator AND the marketer - and to be honest for me they don’t marry up that well.

The fear of not being seen stifles creativity.

Creativity is what I need in order for my business to thrive.

But the fear of the amount of energy needed to be seen in a busy world stifles creativity.

But creativity is what I need in order for my business (and myself) to thrive.

But the fear…

Do you see the cycle? Do you feel it in yourself?

My heart and soul wants to create, but my head keeps me in a spiraling pattern of focusing so intently on ‘how I will get that work seen’, that I am exhausted by the time I actually come to bring it to life. That energy is then flat and uninspired instead of being infused with the sparkle it had at the start.

I asked in my journal today… what can I do to help my creativity and my business thrive? How can I step forwards and un-stick this pattern that is holding me captive right now?

My inner voice said… ‘create’.

‘Creativity is the language of the Universe. It is the language of the divine. When we create we open up to the flow of the universal language and that is what creates a clear channel of communication to the souls that need to receive it.

Let creativity be your language, let it be your transmission, let yourself connect with this energetic communication plain by 'speaking the language of the Universe’.

What if I just committed myself to speaking this language always? To speaking the language of creation?

Could it be that simple? Some would argue it, but I have this inkling just to try. Instead of pouring all of my efforts into being seen… to pour all of my efforts into creativity and let that be my method of communication.

We are in an experimental phase right now

I feel as though we are in this space of possibility right now. So many people I speak to are tired and depleted from the constant hustle of ‘visibility’, particularly on platforms like Instagram and Facebook. But we have been told for so long that we need to be here in order to build a ‘successful’ business.

But nothing changes if nothing changes.

If we ate a food that made us feel like sh*t over and over again, we would probably stop eating it. So why do we do the same when it comes to the ‘rules’ of what our business looks like. We won’t know if different ways will ‘work’ unless we give ourselves a chance to try them. To be curious. To see if perhaps there is a different way that feels nourishing.

If you are looking for a permission slip to re-evaluate how you step forwards in your work - this blog is it.

Creativity Is The Language Of The Universe

What do these words surface for you? I would love to hear. Drop me an email and let me know.



Some thoughts on rest…


3 Simple Breaths to Centre