Why I Believe in the Power of Women's Circles
After holding a beautiful women’s circle on Saturday night I felt compelled to write and share just WHY I feel this medicine is so powerful for the modern world.
I am often asked what do we ‘do’ in circle - and in all honesty I don’t have a clear answer. Every circle I have attended or held has been totally different - and that is one of the beauties of it. What I can say - is that if it calls to you and you are curious - then that is a nudge to follow.
My own journey with circle
Several years ago - when I was on a deep healing journey to repair my frazzled nervous system and reconnect back to my heart - I was held in a beautiful circle by a small group of women. Some of whom I knew and some I had never met before.
I witnessed, I listened and I was heard. Truly heard. I felt safe, seen and able to let my guard down to show vulnerability that I hadn’t even seen in myself before. It was such deep healing medicine and I will never forget the women who held that for me.
At the time I was lost, in the midst of the chaos of transformation, and at war with my body. I left that circle feeling lighter, more connected to myself and with a sense of remembrance. It felt new and old all at once.
It was just a few days after I was held in this circle that my body gave me an olive branch to reconnect to it - and I had my first menstrual bleed after four years of struggling with Hypothalamic Amennorreah. Physically and emotionally I had been holding so much. I truly believe sitting in circle was part of that healing.
This circle was actually held in the very same space that I held circle on Saturday night. I am sure it is no coincidence that I was drawn back to share this space with others - as though it was time to bring forward that same healing opportunity that I had received.
Why I love being in circle
What I adore about being in circle - is that there is no hierarchy, no head, no point - all who become the circle are equal and so integral to the structure. If one part is missing - the circle is not complete.
In so many healing spaces we are positioned in a room where one person is the leader/teacher/guide - and others follow. There is absolutely a place for this - but when we gather in circle it is about the entire collective energy. It feels so beautifully balanced to me.
It also reminds me of the need for both masculine and feminine energies in everything.
To me the circle is the sacred masculine container that forms the basis of the circle - and then that structure is what allows the divine creative and nurturing force of the feminine to flow.
It feels like the ultimate representation of wholeness - a reminder that we need both energies.
When women gather…
The power of listening to others. It is rare that we have a space where we can devote ourselves to listening without response. It can be quite challenging for some of us (me included) who feel a natural desire to support and provide solutions - however to truly listen to others without the expectation of having to come up with an answer to ‘solve’ things - creates a space where you can just be fully present to really hear.
On the flipside is the power of being listened to. Being able to speak KNOWING that you are being truly listened to - without the worry that someone will jump in and interrupt, or try and ‘fix’, advise or share their opinion is practically revolutionary. So often in everyday life - when we speak about something that we are going through - although often well intentioned - it can be extremely invalidating when someone jumps in with their thoughts. To be heard by compassionate ears in circle is so refreshing and allows a woman to stay connected to their own intuition and inner wisdom instead of being distracted by others.
Speaking the unspoken. Stories and experiences we have been through - that have not been shared before - can become difficult to process when they are not expressed. By bringing them to the light - even if it feels daunting - it can be extremely liberating.
Shared experiences can heal. When another women shares something that resonates - it can give a part of you ‘permission’ to feel similar. You don’t even have to discuss it to feel relief that you are less alone in the experience.
Healing sisterhood wounds. There is a huge collective wound regarding relationships from woman to woman. Competition, betrayal, toxicity - so many painful experiences have built up over time between women - and by connecting vulneraby and openly with others in the safety of a circle can be extremely healing and help to rebuild this trust. It might take time - but each gathering offers an opportunity for this sisterhood to rebuild - and when women come together and support eachother - there is nothing quite like it.
To me gathering in circle is a remembering.
Our ancestors would have gathered in circle to celebrate and support, and it is only in more recent years that this ancient art has been lost.
There is something about sitting in circle that reconnects us back to the roots of women who have gone before us.
For me creating this space gives me a chance to connect into the art of trusting and surrendering to a force greater than me - the divine magic and mysticism that my heart and soul has been seeking for so long.
There is nothing quite like it.
You never know what it could bring, you never know what will arise, you can create a structure but you cannot make a plan - there is a difference between the two and that is both exciting and nerve wracking.
If you are called…
You may not know WHY you are called to join a circle, your head might try and argue - but if the call is there then you will probably find that you can’t ignore it.
Follow the spark, let your curiosity lead, and you never know where it might take you.
Answer the call. I am so glad that I did.
If you feel the curiosity to join me in circle someday soon then please do sign up to my newsletter to be notified about my forthcoming events.
While circle work has been a big part of my offerings for the past few years - I was still resisting rising to the call fully. However after diving deeper through the amazing Sister Stories online introductory course - I could no longer ignore it. (If you are drawn to this sacred women’s work I thoroughly recommend you check this out.)