Gentle Steps For When Things Feel Wobbly

Now that things are easing after our intense period of lockdown, and some new sense of normality is returning, there is yet another hurdle for many of us to navigate...

The anxiety of returning to society, to the great big world outside of our homes.

I know it isn’t just me that is feeling this, and so I thought it might be helpful to write some soothing words that might serve you if you are feeling angst or apprehension about re-integrating after this period of time.

I believe that this re-emergence could bring about far more complex problems than the original isolation brought about. And I would like to just say, if you are experiencing severe anxiety then please seek professional support. The purpose of this blog is to address some of those little wobbles and uncertainties - not to act in place of therapy or counselling.

This is just a short and sweet post to share some of the things I am doing to slowly and gently emerge back into a more ‘normal’ way of being as the restrictions begin to lift.

Go at your own pace.

Despite more places being open and there being a hive of excitement about getting back out there again - if you do not share this joy, then don’t feel guilty or punish yourself. It took time to settle into this all at the beginning of lockdown and it will just as likely take time to move into the next phase. Give yourself permission to go slowly, at a pace that works for your nervous system.

Be clear on your boundaries.

Get clear what feels OK to you and what doesn’t. If people get too close, or if you are in a situation that makes you feel uncomfortable then know it is OK to instate your own boundaries. That may be not just for you, but for your family too.

Pack your anchors.

When I used to suffer from regular panic attacks I had some objects I would use as anchors with me at all times. While these eventually phased out - at the beginning I needed to know I had certain things with me to help me feel protected and safe. So if there are certain things - a mask, anti-bac, a grounding crystal, hand wipes - that make you feel safer and more protected - and will help you in making those first steps with confidence, then utilise that.

Make plans.

Organising to meet someone or booking an appointment is going to be a little harder to cancel than if you are just doing something on your own. So consider scheduling something that will help give you that little extra boost you need when the desire to retreat gets a little strong - just make sure it fits in with your boundaries as above!

Know who makes you feel safe.

If there are certain people that make you feel more grounded when you are with them, then arrange to meet up as your first outing. Familiarity will help you feel calmer.

Be open.

If you are meeting others then be open with them about how you are feeling. Chances are they may have some apprehension too. A feeling of solidarity will definitely help make the transition smoother.

Up your soothing tools at home.

The more soothed your nervous system is before you venture out, then the more resilient you will be when you leave home, so don’t forget to boost your self care tools to ensure you feel strong and calm. Meditation, mindfulness, movement, nourishing food, energy replenishment - know what makes you feel grounded and relaxed and up the anti on them in preparation. Try my Reconnect To Your Confidence meditation on Insight Timer here if you need a little extra boost.

Wrap yourself in energetic protection.

Find an energetic protection practice that works for you. By this I mean implementing something that protects your energetic field around you. It may sound woo woo but it definitely helps me. You can try visualising yourself putting on a cloak of protection before you head out, imagine a golden egg encapsulating your whole body or a bubble of energy keeping you safe. Play around with what makes you feel secure and know that it is with you at any time you need it!

Use essential oils to ground you.

I love essential oils and find dabbing on a little to my wrists (with a carrier oil if you are sensitive skinned - always check if the oil you are using is safe to apply topically) really helps me stay calm when I am needing a bit more confidence. I love Wild Orange - in fact it was the oil that got me through labour and the early days of postpartum so it reminds me of my courage and strength.

You can try again tomorrow

Be gentle with yourself - if today the anxiety is just too high, don’t beat yourself up or become self critical - the last thing you need is to put more pressure on yourself. Be gentle, reach out for support, and try again tomorrow.

I appreciate that these are short term fixes - but sometimes that is what we need to get to the next step, and right now that might be just what is required.

Remind yourself that we as a society have NEVER experienced this - so if it all feels a bit uncertain that is because it is. You aren’t alone in this I promise.

Do let me know if these help you in anyway, and please share this post with anyone who might also be feeling a little wobbly right now.



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